Summer Wheat


This beer was based upon a Hefeweizen recipe with the normal Hefe yeast substituted for an American Ale yeast (and of course, I don’t remember exactly which yeast was used.).  The end result was a nice, light, slightly fruit flavored (citrus) beer that was great on a hot summer day.

Sept 2012

On my next attempt at this beer, I want to try to get even more wheat flavor out of the beer.  When you open the bottle, I want the smell and the taste to make you feel as if you’re standing in the middle of a 1,000 acre wheat field.


April 2014

I am trying this extract recipe again as I am out of beer and don’t have a full day to brew. This time I used WLP001 California Ale yeast (aka Wyeast 1056 American Ale).  The recipe below has been updated with this.  

A few deviations from the recipe.  At the 15 mark, I used a full ounce of hops as the packets came in 1 oz sizes and I didn’t feel like throwing 1/2 oz in the trash.  Also, I will not be bottle conditioning, but rather kegging this beer. 

OG:  1.056


Style Information

Name: Hefeweizen - My Old Kentucky Homebrew
Recipe Type: Extract
Category: Hefeweizen
Type: Wheat
OG: 1.047 - 1.051
FG: 1.010 - 1.014

Grains & Extracts

Name Amount
Flaked Wheat (Grain) 1lbs
Steep for 30 min at 150*F
Wheat (Extract) 6.6lbs


Name Amount Alpha Acid% AAU Time
Mt. Hood 1oz 0% 0 60
Mt. Hood 1/2oz 0% 0 15


Name Amount
1056 American Ale yeast (WLP001 California Ale) packages


Amount: 4 gal
Time: 60 minutes


Step Time Temperature Container Additions
Name: Amount
3wks 70 Primary - Bucket
1wk 70 Bottle condition

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