
Bumpdate – Week 17


It’s amazing how fast the bump is growing.  It’s out of control.  Its as if every day when I look in the mirror, I can see that it has grown more than the day before.

I find myself wondering if I should be worried about my weight.  I know some people just gain weight when there is a baby on the way.  I guess I could consider it normal.  I’ve thought about starting an exercise routine to try to combat some of the “baby weight”.  But most days I find, I’m just not up to it.  I find myself too exhausted to really get into it.  Maybe I’m thinking about the weight too much.  It’s probably ok to just not worry about it.

I find that some people actually like the ever-growing bump when they see it.  Occasionally, people even try to touch it.  That kind of freaks me out.  But I guess if this things keep growing at this pace, I should get used to it.

What really drives a person to want to touch someone else’s stomach?  It’s really strange.  But as long as they’re not too crazy about it, I guess why not.  If they like rubbing a belly, and that makes their day a little brighter, then who am I to deprive them of that?  I’ll still be a little freaked out by it, but I’ll smile and let them do it.

I’m finding clothes can be an issue.  Who would have thought that this early, things that I’ve had in my closet forever would fit anymore.  Not me.  I’m actually a little shocked by this one.  I thought my clothes had a little room to spare way back before we had a little one on the way.  I thought this spare room in the waist line would would buy me some time, but no such luck.

Jeans are probably the biggest issue right now.  I have a few pairs that I seemingly have no hope of ever fitting into again.  With bump growing as the weeks go by, it becomes harder and harder to even get a pair of jeans on.  At first, I had a little trouble buttoning them up.  But I was able to suck it in a little and make them work.  Now, what seems like 50 lbs later, buttoning these troublesome pairs of jeans is a distant memory.  If I use an elastic belt, and pull my shirt down over the waist of my jeans, I can get away with going out in public with my fly undone.

I guess that is one benefit to having a baby on the way; you can get away with a lot of stuff that society really wouldn’t give you a pass on otherwise.  Like when you’re in a restaurant, and you’ve already had enough to eat, but you can’t pass up that big, tasty dessert.  The waiter knows you’re done, that you need to be cut off, but somehow, having a tiny little baby with you at the table gives you a free pass from any judgement.  I wonder if this continues on to when we actually have the baby sitting at the table with us.  Probably not.

At that point, we’ll probably be the table the waiter can’t wait to get out of the restaurant.  He’ll wonder how 20 lbs of little human can make enough noise to fill up 2000 sq ft of space.  We can’t wait for that little joy of parenthood.

So, bottom line, it’s kind of amazing how your body changes with a baby on the way.  This post kind of focuses on that.  We’re 17 weeks in, and given the day, I guess it was appropriate to go on and on about it.  I probably left some details out, but the picture below should clear things up….












Happy April Fools!!


OK, on the the REAL week 17 Bumpdate.

I am officially in maternity clothes.  Had a great time shopping since it was reassuring to find clothes that fit and flatter.  The bump is a great reminder that we do indeed have a baby on the way….this is starting to feel more and more real.


Fooled you!!






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