Fashionably Early
Dan summed it up well: Samuel John Hart arrived two weeks early, and if he lives up to the Hart name, it is the first and last time in his life the kid will ever be early for anything.
I woke up the morning of 2/8 thinking, I’m gonna have this baby today. Then I spent the rest of the day talking myself out of that thought and wavering back and forth between acceptance and denial. I just wasn’t ready mentally to have a baby. But I was tired and just feeling off, and I realized the day before was a power day of yard work and other household accomplishments. It seemed awfully familiar. Plus I was 3cm dilated four days prior, so birthing was not out of the question. I took it easy, napped, and then around noon decided it was all in my head and it was time to be normal and not obsess with thoughts of a pending delivery.
I actually felt totally normal until about 3pm when I started experiencing a sore back again. The soreness soon turned into contractions, and I started timing. They started getting regular and I was about to call off my plans with coworkers to do some shopping and dinner, but then they slowed and stopped. I decided again that this was not real labor and kept my plans on, knowing in the back of my head that I would at least bring my hospital bag with me to dinner.
So my friend Karen from work arrived and when I got up to greet her, the contractions were back and Karen quickly observed that I was really in labor and it was time for us to get going to the hospital. She was awesome and helped watch Hailey as Dan got us packed–I had only packed the minimal stuff needed–and alerted Uncle Chris that it was time to come get Hailey. We got out the door and Karen took over with Hailey, and a quick hand-off to Uncle Chris followed.
Meanwhile, we arrived at the hospital at about 6pm. Sure enough, I was 7-8cm, so there was our confirmation that it was baby day. We got situated in the room and my doc quickly informed me that she could break my water and I’d have the baby within the half hour. But crazy me said no. I really wasn’t ready for the baby. I spent about an hour of contractions psyching myself up and getting excited to meet my little boy. I just never got to the the point of being anxious to get the baby out. Instead, I had just barely finished transitioning my work responsibilities and getting the house ready for the new arrival. I hadn’t done the emotional preparations. Apparently 9 months is not enough, but one hour of contractions is.
Then I conceded and had my doc break my water. I think I was a better pusher last time. It took me a little while to get warmed up this time, but once I got there, I pushed hard through two contractions and out squirmed a healthy baby boy at 8:05. Now, I have to give huge credit to Dad on helping me get through this. Throughout the whole labor, I had a “don’t touch me” attitude towards Dan (which was hard on him since he’s all about touch). But at the exact moment I didn’t think I could bear the feeling of pushing any longer, Dan told me to power through and I’d have the baby. He gave me the strength and motivation I needed and I’m not sure what would have happened had Dan not pushed me at that moment. Go Daddy!
Yes, pushing and squirting out a baby with no epidural hurts, but the stitches afterwards are just awful. A slow, prolonged pain with no precious reward at the end. I howled like a wild animal while pushing, and whined like a baby while being stitched up. The good news is I required fewer stitches this time around and had a much easier recovery. I was off ice packs in a day and a half and driving in less than a week. Yes I was sore, but I was able to get around the house and take care of myself and the kids just fine in no time. What a relief!
Grateful for a smooth and quick (but not too quick) delivery, we got settled into the Mother/Baby unit and started sharing the news. We had only two visitors (Uncle Chris, and Lori C) during the whole hospital stay, and Dan only stayed the first night. So it was quiet and chill compared the frenzy of visitors and activity the first time around. We were anxious to introduce Sam to his grandparents and extended family, but overall, we enjoyed a more intimate first few days with little Samuel.
Samuel John Hart
7 lb. 15.3 oz.
19.5 inches
Born 8:05, 2/8/2015