Hailey @ 10 Months Old
Dan thinks there’s a better way to label these posts to make sure it’s clear how old Hailey is and what timeframe we are describing. So just to be clear, Hailey hit the 10 month mark on 7/12, so here are our observations and memories from when she was 9 months old 🙂
- Our smiley baby is becoming more expressive. We love her squinty-eyed smiles.
- Mobility: She’s an expert cruiser, and she stood up on her own (off of Eddie’s back) on June 25.
- Favorite “word”: Ba ba ba
- Best way to keep Hailey happy while out to eat: Give her water from a straw. She’s attempted the Sippy cup, but she’d prefer the straw or an actual cup (with some help, of course).
- First bloody lip. Daddy didn’t freak, so that was good.
- Food: She’s getting better at finger foods. She’s also perfected the “get me out of this high chair move” as she throws her left arm up in protest. Still nursing, but glad to have dropped a feeding.
- We can’t get enough of her baby snuggle hugs and kisses. She always prefers the open-mouth variety of smooching.