Hailey at 17 Months
- The theme of this month has been Hailey’s willfulness. I think we are getting a taste of the terrible two’s since she throws a fit whenever she doesn’t get what she wants. We can tell she is frustrated that she can’t just tell us what she wants. It is very endearing when we remind her to tell us what she wants and she remembers that she can say things like “more” or “milk.”
- Just like the last time we went through a tantrum phase, Hailey is just as much about hugs and kisses as she is about the tantrums. She is a superb hugger, and she’s got the pucker sound down to accommodate her kisses.
- She makes a lot of noise, but she doesn’t typically talk, especially not in front of other people. But we can pick out some of these words: dog, duck, one-two-three, bye-bye, hi, mama, and dada.
- Favorite foods of late include cereal, apple sauce (probably because she is still working on that last molar), mixed frozen veggies, bananas, and pasta. She’s a little less a monger lately.
- Favorite books are her nursery rhyme book from Grandma CeCe and Gramps, 8 Silly Monkeys Jumping on the bed from Uncle John and Auntie Laura, and Goodnight Little Pookie.
- Hailey is a pro at brushing her teeth. She’s loves it! First Mama brushes and then Hailey brushes.