
Hailey at 2.75 Years


At 2.75 this one is taking her sweet time with potty training, but she is getting there.  We are down to about one accident a day, more if we play outside.  This girl definitely knows what to do.

She’s still a girlie girl and loves dressing up in her pink cowboy boots and dresses.  She’ll tell you she’s going bye-bye and don a full set of accessories.  Sometimes an arm full of bracelets is required for bedtime.  This girl.

She’s also remembering her friends more, even when they are apart.  She’ll bring up her friends Keely and Reese out of the blue every now and then.  Hailey is crazy about her older friends and has a hard time going easy on her younger friends, but playing with friends is always a blast overall.

She is taking swimming lessons with her friend Elise.  The girls have been pool buddies since they were in the womb, and they both love the water!  Hailey’s favorite is to swim with the backpack style float on since she can move independently.  “Look at me! I’m swimming all by myself!”  Still need to work on getting her face wet, but she’s having fun in the pool, and that’s what matters.

  • Recent Quotes
    • With my hands? No or yes.
    • I want to go to the playground.
    • Crying and screaming, often done in 5+ minute tantrums.
    • My undies are all dry!
    • I want my Mommy.  Mommy. Mommy. Mommy (or the same but for Daddy).
    • Are you 2 1/2? No.  Finnley’s 2 1/2.  I’m 2.
    • To Sam, I know. I know.
  • Favorites
    • Movie: Bug’s Life, Finding Nemo
    • Books: Big Elmo Book, Muncha Muncha Muncha, Pout Pout Fish (especially when sung to the tune of the Beverly Hillbillies Theme)
    • Music: Shake it off by Taylor Swift.  Still enjoys Frozen, and now calls out the Anna and Hans song.
    • Foods: Cheese sticks, hamburgers–she’s eaten a quarter pounder in one sitting, ice cream
    • TV: Mickey’s Clubhouse, but she’s more interested in movies lately
    • Fears (not quite a favorite, but a frequent): Mor’du, buggies
    • Activities: Playing with the hose and her gardening tools, riding bikes, playing with Miguel and Isa next door, sidewalk chalk, going to the playground, dress-up

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Visit to Huber's with Reese
Visit to Huber’s with Reese
Daddy Reese helps feed the fish
Daddy Reese helps feed the fish
I want to go to the playground
I want to go to the playground

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Proving that there is a dull moment, every now and then
Proving that there is a dull moment, every now and then


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Hailey and Madeleine spinning
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Grabbing some BBQ with Uncle Chris

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At the zoo with Preston

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