This is a little experiment to see if we can quickly and automatically share pictures of Hailey without having to email them one at a time or keep everything on facebook or the blog. Setting up the shared picture folder 1) Sign up for an account. 2) Download and install the app 3) […]
Hailey loved her first photo shoot at the hospital! We couldn’t pick our favorites so here are all of them.
Here are a few quick pictures from our daughter’s first day.
It is with great joy and excitement that Elaine and I introduce our daughter, Hailey Lorraine Hart Born: 9/12/2012 1:42pm Height: 20 1/2″ Weight: 7 lbs 1 oz Both mother and daughter are doing great!
This is old news now that Hailey is here, but here’s a Week 40 update. We went in for an ultrasound on Monday 9/10 since that was the original due date and doc wanted to get a weight estimate on our baby girl. She’d been insisting that I had a big baby for a couple […]
By the end of week 39, I was ready to have this baby. It occurred to me that maybe she wouldn’t come early because I hadn’t invited her out. So I did that, reassuring her that we will still feed and care for her and carry her around. It would just be easier to carry […]
With fall quickly approaching, it seems cruel to try to endure the colder months without the comfort of an Oktoberfest in the fridge. So, this will be my next brew. I’ll post up details once it is complete. Update – 10Sept12: Today was brew day! The beer smells absolutely amazing! Can’t wait to get […]
Chocolate makes everything better, right? This beer was no exception. This beer was surprising light for a stout. That is to say it didn’t seem “thick” when drinking it. It has a dark, rich, chocolate taste to it. The oats gave it a smooth taste. The first few bottles were surprisingly crisp, due to the carbonation. This […]
2011 This is, by far, my favorite brew to date. This beer had a ton of flavor to it, but was very easy to drink. I didn’t take long at all to go through all 50 (or so) bottles of this. I think this brew will have to become an annual tradition. 2012 Brew day: […]
This is meant to replicate the Dogfish Head 90 Minute IPA. 10Sept2012 My version didn’t quite stack up. This could have something to do with the missed step of adding the dry hops during the fermentation (ya think…). I ended up brewing this and kind of forgetting about it. By the time I got around […]
This beer was based upon a Hefeweizen recipe with the normal Hefe yeast substituted for an American Ale yeast (and of course, I don’t remember exactly which yeast was used.). The end result was a nice, light, slightly fruit flavored (citrus) beer that was great on a hot summer day. Sept 2012 On my next […]
1 bag of frozen wings (Meijer bulk section), defrosted. Soak for at least 4 hours (overnight is best) in the fridge in: 1/2 cup Apple Cider Vinegar water to fill container Fan Friendly Rub: 3 parts Garlic Salt 2 parts Chili Powder 1/2 part Cayenne 1/2 part Cumin 1/2 part Paprica 1/2 part Black Pepper […]
Week 38 was interesting because everyone is trying to guess when I’ll have the baby and so many people act surprised every day that I show up for work or at the gym for water aerobics. I had my appointment on 8/29 and was still hanging out at 1cm with Baby Girl down low. I […]
A Visit from the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan was our November book club read. I listened to the audio book, but I wasn’t crazy about this one. It’s one of those books that examines different characters and then weaves their stories together, but I thought the stories were so out there that I guess I […]
Thank you to my Fit for Delivery (prenatal water aerobics) groupies for the congratulations to Baby Girl on making it full term. Wild. I am loving this class more and more and have really enjoyed getting to know these other mom-to-be’s. This week I felt significantly more stiff, sore, and swollen at times, and going […]
Having a kid will make you think about your finances like never before. It’s amazing how excited placing your hand on your wife’s stomach can make you feel. Why does a person that is only 3% of my body weight require twice as many pieces of clothing than what I own? Some day, I’m going […]
This is a down and dirty update for my preggo ladies out there who have told me I’m way too optimistic and am painting a very easy picture of pregnancy. So if I were to peel back the joys of feeling a baby moving inside of me and learning how miraculous it is that the […]
I know this is overdue. Can’t believe two weeks have gone by….I think I say that every couple of weeks! I am big and awkward. My feet and hands have been swelling a bit this week. I am trying to watch my diet and keep chugging water. Baby Girl is moving a ton. Today especially. […]
I really enjoyed Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford. I always seem to enjoy books that involve Asian culture, and this one is about a Chinese family and a Japanese family in the 1940s. This has been my favorite fictional read with the book club.