This is now my go-to marinade for rib-eye steaks. So tasty! 4 Tablespoons Olive Oil 3 Tablespoons Soy Sauce (low sodium) 2 Tablespoons Worcestershire 3 Tablespoons Dried Onion 1-1/2 Tablespoons Dried Rosemary 4 teaspoons Montreal Steak Seasoning 2 teaspoons Coarse Black Pepper 10 Cloves Garlic 2 Rib-eye steaks Using a mortar and pestle, crush the […]
Since we spent Christmas with the Harts, we planned some time to celebrate with the Kratohwils at an indoor waterpark in Indy. This was when it was absolutely freezing in the midwest, so a broken pipe put the waterpark out of commission. We still met up and enjoyed an empty hotel, pool, and hot tub. […]
1 lb Stew meat 1 Large Can Black Beans (30 oz or 1 lb) 1/2 Bunch Cilantro 2 Poblano Peppers 2 Bell Peppers 3 Jalapeno Peppers 1 Can Tomato Puree (about 3 cups, 29 oz) 1/2 Onion (Yellow) 1 Tbsp EVOO 1 Clove Garlic 1 Tbsp Chili Powder (to taste) 1-1/2 tsp Coarse Salt (Sea […]
We spent Christmas with the Harts this year. Grandma put on a fabulous spread of Christmas Eve appetizers and then another feast on Christmas, we all spoiled one another rotten with gifts, and of course Hailey had a blast playing with all her new toys. Dan, Hailey, and I went to church this morning, and […]
I am practicing using the word “daughter.” Hailey still seems like this cute little pet that we take care of and play with, but there’s no avoiding the fact that her personality is starting to shine. She is in fact a little girl, and not just a little baby. That makes me a mom, which […]
Nov13 – Dec12 Big eater Has begun to show preferences. Will shake her head and say “no” in reaction to things she doesn’t want to do. Pointed at Dan and said “dada”. First time connecting the two. Showing a lot of preference to her left hand while eating. Loves to hold her own spoon. Will […]
The whole crew made it up to Mundelein for Thanksgiving and Hailey got to meet the whole Kratohwil clan.
Another month down. Hailey has had a big month of change. We have a weaned baby! This kid is now sleeping so much better, so the whole family is doing better. She is back to falling asleep on her own in her crib, and this time she enjoys snuggling up with her angel and one […]
Hailey couldn’t decide what to be for Halloween this year. She wanted to be an owl, but Eddie really wanted to be Toto, so Hailey went for a double dose of Halloween costumes today.
Alright….We officially have a toddler. This month has hit both extremes since Hailey learned she can regularly exercise her will and show you how much she loves you. Hailey chose to start walking on a regular basis on her first birthday and she’s getting steadier and steadier. She prefers walking when she has her hands […]
Thanks to everyone who celebrated Hailey’s first birthday with us! We had a blast getting see to everyone over the weekend. To our families, thank you for all the help around the house, all the cooking, and all the decorating. And thanks to everyone for spoiling our little girl with gifts and contributing to our […]
Happy first birthday, little Sweetie Pea! This year has been a whirlwind. It is hard to remember those newborn cries and squirms, the early smiles, the first laughs, and a baby who couldn’t cross the room in a matter of seconds. With all the focus on bringing a baby into the world, I’m not sure […]
Today I took one of the first steps in a very long journey of finishing the basement. The task at hand was plumbing. This involved breaking into the existing lines in the house and plumbing new lines to both what would be someday be the basement bathroom and also a wash sink for the basement. […]
The guys survived the sweltering heat while the girls opted for the air conditioning at the aquarium.
Our little sweet heart is now 11 months old. Here is a look back at the previous month and all the things she can do. Her attitude is really starting to show through. She’s developed a whole new arsenal of a little squinty eyed smiles and frowny faces. Little baby snuggles. Hailey has started to […]
Recipe Notes: This is called Birthday Chocolate Oatmeal Vanilla Stout because the plan is to brew it on my birthday weekend and have it ready for the party on Hailey’s birthday weekend. Also, because if it is half as delicious as planned, it would make a great birthday gift to anyone. The goal is a thick, creamy, chocolaty […]
Grandma and Grandpa came for some Hailey time and to celebrate Dan’s birthday.
This trip was a big adventure for the family. We enjoyed time with the extended family at our traditional Up North spot, Cable, WI. Some highlights were hiking to the falls, the family gathering at house, canoeing on Lake Namakagen, hanging out at the Loon Saloon, and visiting with cousins next door. Note that the […]
Hailey’s first airplane trip was a success! Not a peep out of here on the way to Chicago, but some definite crying on the way back. The family loaded up the car and headed to Madison for the day on Saturday. We had a lovely breakfast with Anna on the way. Then off to State […]