I seem to be into popular trilogies right now since I just finished Catching Fire, the second Hunger Games book. It was really more of the same, which was entertaining, but not amazing. I’ll still read the third book someday though. It was interesting to learn that the author, Suzanne Collins, was also the writer […]
This has been a fun week for Miss Hailey! Links to Facebook videos we posted this week: Hanging out on her belly (6 weeks) Baby Squats (6 weeks) Hi! (7 weeks) More Hailey (7 weeks)
This weekend I was able to get all of the front end accessories onto the car, work on some odds and ends electrical items, modify the battery tray to fit with the new motor, drop a new battery in, clearance the distributor to miss the lower intake and fill the motor with oil. I thought […]
If you would have told me I wouldn’t even be able to keep up with the blog while home on maternity leave I would not have believed you. I can’t believe how much time it takes to take care of a little baby. I think I thought they slept a lot more, or at least […]
Today, on October 17th, 2012, just 5 days after Hailey’s 1st month birthday, Hailey achieved a major milestone. While this week was that of her first medical appointment, when we found out that she had grown nearly an inch and put on a full 2lbs (a 28% increase over her birth weight), these feats were not […]
I finally finished the Millenium series. The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest was consistent with the first two books and finally tied everything together. I did most of this reading in the late hours of the night while trying to get Hailey to sleep. You know you’re hooked when the baby is obviously sleeping […]
Ingredients 6 cups mixed lettuce greens 3 to 4 tablespoons olive oil 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice 1 teaspoon dijon mustard 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder 1/4 teaspoon ground cumin 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper Directions: Mix it all up and serve. Source: http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/robin-miller/mixed-greens-with-lime-vinaigrette-recipe/index.html
Yes, everyone was correct: time flies like crazy! Here are some highlights from Hailey’s first month on the outside. Metrics Weight: 9 lb. 1oz., 50% Height: 21 in., 50% Head Circumference: 14.5 in., 50% Hailey loves to stretch. We know she has no idea what she is doing, and we swaddle her often so she […]
After a more than successful first night dining out with Hailey, Elaine and I decided it was time to try for a happy hour. So off we ventured to walk around the Highlands. We decided stop by an old favorite, O’Shea. Luckily our friends Chris and Heather were able to join us. Haley decided that […]
It has been just over 9 long months since Elaine and I have been out to a sushi restaurant for dinner. Due to the (slight) risk to the baby from consuming raw food or anything that had been prepared around raw food, I (Dan) essential banned sushi from our diet until Hailey was born. Now […]
Good friends of ours lent us a few pregnancy and baby books, and I found two of them most helpful. I would love to hear what books, blogs, and magazines other moms use to learn about child development and parenting. On Becoming Baby Wise by Gary Ezzo taught me a couple key points. Keep your baby […]
Hailey was so lucky to have her Godmama Burzie visit for the weekend. Marie was such a trooper hanging out with the new parents and a squirmy little baby all weekend. I had prepared Marie that I had no idea how much fun stuff we’d be able to do, but we managed to get […]
We have survived our first two weeks of parenthood. Thank you to our families for making the drive down and helping us stock the fridge and install the shed. (I’ll leave it to Dan to post on that topic. Here is a brief rundown of these two weeks from a tired mama. Hailey had gained […]
Short Version: Contractions through the night. Regular and stronger contractions from about 8am. Got to the hospital at 10:15am. All back labor, no pain meds or epidural. Popped out a baby at 1:42pm. Epic Version: Dan: The fun began on the night of Sept 11th. Elaine spent most of the night waking up once or […]