
The Nursery


The transformation of what was once our office into the new nursery has begun. We cleared the room out, removing all of the furniture and random items that had collected in the room. While the room that was once designated the office was being transformed, the need for a work area was not.

So our loft, became the target area. To this point, the loft had been a close replica of my first apartment living room, complete with Purdue memorabilia, a big screen TV, stereo, couch and an ugly recliner. Despite these luxurious accommodations, we found that we seldom used this area.  So, the loft was designated as the new office.

Once the newly appointed nursery was cleared out, it was time to paint.  Despite my overwhelming disdain for painting, I took charge of the roller and Elaine worked on the trimming and touch up.  At least we’re a good pair in that aspect.  Handing a paint brush to me and asking me to trim usually yields the same results as standing in the middle of the room and spinning in circles while shooting a paintball gun.  I don’t understand the chemical or physical action that causes paint to spontaneously jump from a brush onto the nearest white trim piece, but I witness this phenomena every time I try to paint.  Despite this natural aversion to painting, we managed to get some on the walls.  After a couple of coats of paint, the nursery was now its new color.

The newly painted nursery walls weren’t complete yet.  Elaine and her Mom worked to bring her vision to life in the room.

….Mom rolled into town Friday after work and we were excited to have her with us through Monday morning.  We spent hours deliberating, designing, reviewing the plans with Dan, re-deliberating, re-reviewing, tracing, and painting.  We enjoyed the work and couldn’t have been happier with the results.  There is still additional touch-up and a second coat here and there that is required, but here’s our work.  We pretty much ripped it off of a couple photos online, but we added a few of our own twists.

Mom Painting
Happy with the Results
Just Ducky


Reality Sets In: This is not just any room. It's a nursery. For our baby. Because we are actually having a baby. Aaahh!

Thanks, Mom, for all the help and painting skills!  We had a great time with you.  Thanks, Dan, for keeping the house projects rolling and helping us with the colors!

3 thoughts on “The Nursery

  1. Bekah

    The nursery looks adorable! Great job team! 😉

  2. Bekah

    And… I just caught this – but are you wearing a Santa Maria t-shirt!? 😉

    1. elaine

      It is not just a Santa Maria shirt–It’s a Santa Maria handbells shirt!

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