Happy first birthday, little Sweetie Pea!
This year has been a whirlwind. It is hard to remember those newborn cries and squirms, the early smiles, the first laughs, and a baby who couldn’t cross the room in a matter of seconds. With all the focus on bringing a baby into the world, I’m not sure we’ve thought much about what it will be like to have a toddler or a kid in the house, but I’ll guess we’ll figure that out soon!
This twelfth month, just as the others, was more fun than the last.
- When not sick, traveling, or entertaining visitors, Hailey consistently sleeps through the night. I think that totaled about 5 nights 🙂
- After just taking a few tentative steps here and there, she decided her birthday was the day to make walking the norm. We have a toddler
- Hailey has expanded her vocabulary to more advanced babbling. She started to say “mommommommom…”. Not sure she knows who she’s referring to yet.
- She has mastered giving herself a bottle, and she’s pretty good at drinking a cup of water. Her latest trick is blowing bubbles in it.
- Hailey is starting to throw little fits. She hates getting in her car seat and lets you know it. She will slam her body down on the ground in despair and cry. We are getting better at letting her go so she can calm herself down a bit.
- This kid has been sick a lot, and she had a pretty good fever scare. We finally figured out she is allergic to barley, so she seems to be doing a lot better now. Yes, a week in Wisconsin with bad allergies seems to mean one of two things: you are allergic to beer or you are allergic to cheese.
- Hailey spent her first evening with a non-family member. Thanks to Irena for watching Hailey so Mom and Dad could go on a concert date.
- She’s enjoying more independence at meal time. She wants to grab the spoon and eat more and more finger foods. Her favorites are bananas, sweet potatoes, grapes, and chicken. Her first meat meal was Kentucky Burgoo. Her six teeth make eating a breeze. And this kid is sucking down soy milk like it’s her job. (Mama is happy there is no more pumping at work.
We are so happy and blessed we have a happy little girl. This kid has never met a stranger and you never have to work too hard for a smile or a laugh. Now we’ll just have to try to keep up with her from here on out.
- Height: 29″, 50%
- Weight: 17 lb. 9 oz., 5%
- Head Circumference: 17.5″, 30%