Hailey at 14 Months

Another month down.  Hailey has had a big month of change.

  • We have a weaned baby!  This kid is now sleeping so much better, so the whole family is doing better.  She is back to falling asleep on her own in her crib, and this time she enjoys snuggling up with her angel and one side and monkey on the other.
  • Favorite foods this month include Mexican food, pumpkin puree, sweet and spicy chicken, mixed veggies, and oatmeal.  She is a great eater, except when sick or teething.  We now know when she is hungry because she will either get the puffs out of her diaper bag or flash the “more” sign.  She can also say “mo” for “more,” but it is easily confused with milk and her other baby sounds.
  • As for Daddy, doggie, and ducks, she offers a “da.” You can tell her vocab is growing because she is much more responsive to commands and she picks up on new things quickly.
  • The tantrums have significantly diminished.  They are no longer the routine, and typically just make an appearance when Hailey is really tired.  Same goes for the backwards scootch.  That’s when it is definitely time for bed.
  • Hello’s have been replaced with a stinky glare.  We’re not entirely sure where Hailey learned this behavior, but she lets pretty much everyone in on her glares.
  • We have a girly girl on our hands.  Hailey received a toy purse for her birthday, and it has become one of her favorite toys.  She knows exactly how to hook it over her arms.  I don’t even carry a purse like that, so it kills me that she has it all figured out.  She is also obsessed with shoes.  Hers and ours.
  • And my favorite news, Hailey is big on hugs and kisses lately.  She loves to slime you with a big smack on the lips and she has learned the “mwah” sound.  She is even hugging Eddie whenever she can.  If only she would learn to close her mouth for the canine kisses.


We still get the occasional tantrum just for fun.

We still get the occasional tantrum just for fun.

What you talkin' about, Willis?

What you talkin’ about, Willis?

Hangin' with Daddy.

Hangin’ with Daddy.

Monkey Brains!

Monkey Brains!

Might be a little obsessed with shoes....

Might be a little obsessed with shoes….

Stair Master

Stair Master


Not really a fan of being plunged into a pile of leaves, but not completely opposed either.

Not really a fan of being plunged into a pile of leaves, but not completely opposed either.

Sneaky baby.

Sneaky baby.

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We're kind of best friends.

We’re kind of best friends.

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