Sam started day care right around the 3 month mark and I went back to work. I had realistic expectations this time around, so it wasn’t shocking emotionally, but it sure was time-consuming logistically. My work’s move across town has been a challenge. With Dan overseeing a couple of home repairs and then home sick for a couple days, I learned what’s it like to manage both the morning and evening routines. It’s doable, but I’m not sure how to fit in 40 work hours. Thankfully, that will be a rare circumstance.
Sam is doing well in day care. He takes his bottles and is content to be there. He just doesn’t sleep a whole bunch. That makes it easier for us at home, but I always miss seeing him awake as the week wears on.
When he is awake, he seems to be a lot happier and more interested in the world now that he has his hearing aids. His smiles are easier to come by. He has had some screamy evenings out at restaurants, but we think this may be due to the noise in conjunction with his hearing aids as opposed to a new fussy phase for the little guy. We’re working with his audiologist to tweak his hearing aids. We’re getting used to the hearing aid routine and learning how to manage them better as we go.
I know everyone gets so excited about little girl clothes, but I am loving dressing Sam up in his handsome little boy clothes. Putting a baby boy in a grown-up sweater vest is just too cute. I can’t get enough of this little guy.

Dinosaur clothes are the best!

All dressed up for school

So true!

Not impressed with Hailey’s tantrum.\

Looking very much like Hart here.


Sleeping Sam


“You need a bear? Ok.” ~Big Sister

Stud Puffin.