Samuel at 9 Months

This  has been sick month for poor Sam.  He’s been coughing and wheezing, but that hasn’t stopped him from becoming an avid puller-upper and cruiser.  He’s finally decided to crawl on all fours here and there as well.  Put him in the bath, and the kid just won’t sick.  He must stand.  You get an upper body workout whenever you try holding the kid still.

Though he loves to be held while you’re walking around the house, theoretically trying to get something done.  Dan calls him his little “ride along.”  As long as he’s being held in one arm, he just sticks in his thumb and he’s good to go–even for an hour or more if trick-or-treating is in order.

And this kid is an eating champ!  He’s moved on completely to table foods, though he doesn’t turn down any of the pureed fruits if you take the time to offer them.  It seems like meatballs and spaghetti, scrambled eggs, and green beans may be a favorite.  And paper.  This kid is a paper freak!  I guess we should learn the sign for paper, because it would definitely get a lot of use.

We don’t do a whole lot of signing with Sam, but we are trying to do baby sign language (which is just picking the common baby words from ASL rather than learning sentences) consistently.  I’ve yet to see Sam indicate any recognition of the signs, but I think he’s just at the age when we might expect starting to see some connections.  I had been trying to watch some You Tubes on ASL, but with no one around to practice with, and with high hopes of Sam getting cochlear implants (CIs) in February, I decided not to stress too much about ASL right now.  Once Sam’s MRI is done, hopefully in December, we’ll know for sure if Sam is a candidate for CIs.  Sam is a pretty vocal little guy even without his CIs.  He makes a lot of squawking noises and can launch into a screechy “conversation” with Hailey, who prefers communicating on Sam’s level. Makes for some delightful, if loud, commutes.

  • Height: 27 in., 8%
  • Weight: 17 lb. 11 oz., 7%
  • Head Circumference: 45.7 cm, 57%
World's Best Daddy! If only we were actually at the Mucky Duck!

World’s Best Daddy! If only we were actually at the Mucky Duck!

Puppy dog Sam

Puppy dog Sam

Sam and Mommy hanging out at the Home of the Innocence Backyard BBQ

Sam and Mommy hanging out at the Home of the Innocence Backyard BBQ

First big-boy stroller ride

First big-boy stroller ride

The last time Sam sat down in the bath

The last time Sam sat down in the bath

The kid does cry sometimes. That's when we let him ride along.

The kid does cry sometimes. That’s when we let him ride along.

Home sick

Home sick

Eating champ

Eating champ

"Just me and my buds"

“Just me and my buds”

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