First Trimester

The News

On January 3, we confirmed our suspicions and confirmed that life as we know it will forever be changed. Positive preggo test. Wow.

Now I know we have dated forever, been married for 1.5 years, and even planned this, but we were still speechless with the news. This is so huge that we really didn’t know what to do with the information. One thing we did know without a doubt is that we are fortunate to have gotten this news so quickly. We know that family planning does not go so well for many in our situation, and we feel blessed that we have made it to this point without issue.

We both wanted to tell the world, but agreed we needed to tell our parents (the grandparents-to-be) in person when our travels allow for it in February. We also recognized the good chances that things may not go as desired, so let’s not get ahead of ourselves. But not telling our loved ones this news is the hardest thing I have done.

That aside, my body is doing just fine so far. As I write this, I think I am in week 6, and I’ve only had one night of wacked emotions and one day of some queasiness mixed with constant hunger. Hopefully I didn’t just jinx it.

The first few nights I didn’t sleep well at all. Whenever I woke up in the middle of the night, I’d be stuck awake worrying about the future that parenthood will bring. I finally had to acknowledge that this is the safest this baby will ever be. If I am up worrying now, how will I ever make it through the years to come? So I am sleeping better now.

What is crazy this week is that my body feels basically normal, and I’ve soaked up the news, so I actually find myself forgetting that I am pregnant. Not really forgetting, but not obsessing about the thought every moment. I’m sure that will change when my body changes more visibly.

We’ll be using this blog to keep ya’ll posted, so please check back as much as you’d like!  Use the link at the bottom right of the page to register and log in and leave us comments.  We can’t wait to share our journey with you.

Week 8 (2/3)

Still pregnant…actually my fear now is I’m going to go to my first doctors appointment next week and they are going to tell me that I’m really not pregnant–that  it’s all in my head.  I know that doesn’t make sense, but the thought keeps creeping into my mind.  Then as soon I snap back to reality and get over this “what if” scenario, I think, what if I’m really much further along than I think?  Well, I guess there’s really nothing to do about that if that’s the case.

We are both really anxious to tell people our news.  We are holding firm in not telling anyone until we see each set of parents in the next two weeks.  I feel like every conversation I have with my closest friends and family is a lie because when asked what’s knew, Dan and I answer, “Oh not much.” Soon enough….

Physicially, this has been pretty easy going so far.  I’ve been getting tension headaches and I had a bit of nausea last week, but that’s about it.  And of course I’m sleeping a lot.  2 hour naps on the weekends have been outstanding.  I’m lucky that I’ve been able to run and work out enough as well.  I’ve only gained a pound or so…and I’m not sure if that’s due to the baby or to cake decorating class!  I think the cake class.  We’re keeping our fingers crossed that things continue to go well.

I have enjoyed indulging in certain snacks that I don’t typically indulge in.  For example, I think I’ve had OJ every morning for breakfast for the last 3 weeks.  I figure the extra calories from plain OJ sure beats the calories in a screwdriver or a mimosa.  Same goes for binging on olives and pickles.  They’re healthier than a martini.  So why not?  I don’t think these are pregnancy cravings. I think they are just Elaine cravings that I’m finally indulging in.  But it’s fun to tell Dan that the baby really wanted those olives and that’s why I had to eat half the jar in one go.  I guess we have some insight into the weight gain now as well.

Week 10 (2/15)

I am so excited that we get to share our news with my family tomorrow!!!  Last weekend we visited Dan’s family to share our baby news, and that was a blast.  We wish we could have told everyone sooner and at the same time, but that’s just not logistically possible.

I went to the doctor’s last week and it all became so much more real.  I didn’t know I would have an ultrasound already, but I did.  There is indeed one baby in there, even if it just looks like a smudge.  And it moves!  Who knew?  I guess all you moms out there know what to expect now, but I walked into the doctor nervous that maybe I wasn’t really pregnant and then I got to see the baby!  I thought they were just going to poke around and draw some blood.  So I feel relieved that everything checked out great.

Our due date is 9/9.  

The past couple weeks have been pretty easy going physically.  I just sleep a lot.  I’m psyched that the doc said I can continue running and that the mini-marathon would likely be fine if I walk/run it.  I’ll just listen to my body and try to keep up the training.

Clearly my thoughts are all over the place…so much excitement.  I just can’t wait to tell friends and family what’s racing through my mind.

Week 11 (2/20)

Still lucky that I haven’t been sick.  Just tired and going to bathroom all the time.  And I am loving spicy foods.  I am now headed to Vegas for a work conference.  It should be interesting to be the only one not drinking.

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