Hailey’s first happy hour

After a more than successful first night dining out with Hailey, Elaine and I decided it was time to try for a happy hour.  So off we ventured to walk around the Highlands.


We decided stop by an old favorite, O’Shea.  Luckily our friends Chris and Heather were able to join us. Haley decided that tonight would be a good night to sleep through dinner.  Everything went great with Hailey right up until the very end.

As we were wrapping up, Hailey started to fuss just a little bit.  We decided it would be best walk her back to the car and see what was the matter.  Before we can make it that far, I decided I would need to hold her to make it back.  In other words, I’m a sucker for my baby girl cries I wanted to pick her up.  We found that Haileyhad left a little stinky present underneath her blankets.

Once we made it to the car, we were treated to find one of Hailey’s biggest bombs ever.  Luckly the practice from sushi night give us direction on how to handle an in car changing.  After a few extra wet wipes, a couple of extra diapers, a wear changing pad, and a frazzle mom and dad, we were able to finally get Hailey clothed and diapered.  A quick feeding, and Hailey was back in her car seat and ready to head home. 

About Dan

I'm Dan.
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