If you would have told me I wouldn’t even be able to keep up with the blog while home on maternity leave I would not have believed you. I can’t believe how much time it takes to take care of a little baby. I think I thought they slept a lot more, or at least fell asleep more easily. It has only been this past week that Hailey will sit in a swing on her own for more than 5 minutes. So maybe there is hope for our blog, our bathrooms, and poor Eddie.
- Hailey cried her first actual tear in week 5. It was heartwrenching to witness, but so so sweet. Mommy kissed it away.
- She also has been smiling about once a day, and we think these are real smiles. She’s also got the half smile down, which is a signature Hart move.
- Dan is always the receiver of the major blowouts and poop-on-the-table experiences. He must have the magic touch.
- Everyone seems to love Hailey’s crazy hair. There’s really no way to make it lay down, which is fine by me since her daily spikes and faux-hawks are very becoming. The only problem with the hair is that Hailey is reflexively grasping regularly, and with her constant squirm-worming, she sometimes grasps a whole handful of her do. The poor thing has never screamed louder than when she is pulling her own hair. She doesn’t realize that all she has to do is let go.
- She is still a squirm worm. We put her on her tummy the other night and she squirmed enough that she rolled over to her back. We know this wasn’t intentional.
- Hailey is getting her days and nights sorted out. We now keep her room really dark at night, even during diaper changings, to make sure she doesn’t get confused about whether she should be awake or asleep. This method seems so obvious now, but we didn’t figure it out until we were given some good advice.
- Our new daily routine involves Hailey soaking in the tub while Mom scarfs down a bowl of cereal at the sink. She is happy as a clam in her whale tub. Best $1 garage sale buy ever.
- Miss Hugs-a-lot-omus
- Lunch with our new friends from prenatal water aerobics. There are actually 5 babies in this photo. Can you spot them all?
- Hailey, Solomon, and Paige. What a threesome!
- We loved our weekend with the Ross family. This is us with Joanna and one-year-old Landon.
And how are the new parents doing? We are working on communicating more clearly even when sleep deprived. And by “we” I mainly mean “I.” I was really upset with Dan the other night when I was expecting him to help with Hailey after a feeding but he was in the shower. I asked him why he wasn’t ready to help and he reminded me that he asked if it was a good time for him to shower and I said it was. I had absolutely no recollection of that conversation. We’ve had more enjoyable evenings since then and I am learning how to relax a little about the day to day routine.