I just read our 6 week post and can’t believe how much Hailey has changed since then.
- Metrics
- Weight: 10 lb. 2 oz., 45%
- Height: 22.75 in., 50 %
- Head Circumference: 15.25 in., 50%
- Little Hailey is one smiley baby. We are happy that she is happy and pretty easy-going. (Though it is notable that none of the photos below showcase a smile.)
- Hailey is starting to enjoy her jungle play mat. I can lay her down and she will kick and bat at the animals hanging down for 20 minutes or more while I work on the laptop or do paperwork nearby. Thank you, Hailey, for these productive moments.
- Hailey has discovered her hands and she’ll suck on any part of them that she can get to her mouth.
- We took Hailey on her first road-trip through Indiana for Beth’s baby shower and to visit the Harts. She had a blast with Grandma and Grandpa, and she got to meet her Uncle Dave and Uncle Denny. Uncle Dave offered a photo shoot for our little super model, and she did great. Can’t wait until the photos are processed! We also celebrated Thanksgiving as a family, and as always, Grandma put on one heck of a spread.
- Mom is getting a lot more at ease with the baby routine. Hailey is pretty predictable now, and that has allowed us to chill out and enjoy her more. We now can usually tell the difference between her “I’m hungry,” “I’m a dirty girl and I don’t like it (dirty diaper),” “I’m just fussy because I’m a baby,” and my favorite, “I have a boogie in my nose and I can’t get it out” cries.